• (517) 750-9955


By its simplest definition, a heat exchanger transfers heat between two chambers. Each chamber is separated by a wall to prevent them from mixing. Sometimes, in an HVAC system, the heat exchange will occur between a combustion chamber and the air in the building.

A large majority of heat exchanger components fail by way of constant metal fatigue of heating and cooling of the exchanger, corrosion, oxidation, and vibration.

A cracked heat exchanger can lead to a carbon monoxide leak, so this isn't something to put off getting repaired. There are only two signs you might notice if your heat exchanger is cracked: You don't have heat, or your carbon monoxide detector is beeping.

If your heat exchanger is cracked, your furnace is probably nearing the end of its life (18-20 years). If that's the case, then it's usually not worth the money to replace the heat exchanger. No matter who you ask, replacing a heat exchanger will be expensive.

Call Aladdin today to have your system checked to ensure that your equipment is operating safely.